TM Bits&Spurs

Money in Tha Bank


Money in Tha Bank


This bit is our number 203 port on our #1 Shank. This port is made from 7/8'‘ sweet iron. It has about 1.25” of tongue relief on the bottom and is 1.75” tall. This Shank is 8” long and has a unique design that lets it swivel back and forth on a half ring. One of our most popular bits and a best seller.

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This bit is our number 203 port on our #1 Shank. This port is made from 7/8'‘ sweet iron. It has about 1.25” of tongue relief on the bottom and is 1.75” tall. This Shank is 8” long and has a unique design that lets it swivel back and forth on a half ring. One of our most popular bits and a best seller.